Who We Are


Body UP® is finally available for the first time in the United States and offers an entirely new way for safe patient transfer. 

Body UP® helps the clinician or caregiver safely transfer loved ones to and from a wheelchair to the car, to the bathroom, and may be used in addition for many other mobility needs.


Providing dignity, ease, and access to life for all whom are mobility challenged. To help care givers provide dignified safe patient transfer and make it easier for the mobility challenged to enjoy and participate in life!

  1. Dignity. The way in which Body UP® lifts and holds the patient is much more dignified than other patient lift and patient transfer equipment.
  2. Eco-Friendly. There are no batteries or re-charging required.
  3. Saves You Money! Body UP® is your one piece of mobility equipment that may replace multiple others that will not be needed. Body UP® can take the place of power lifters, commode chairs, bath/shower seats, car/van access lifters, and can even replace your home wheelchair for most daily activities.
  4. Going to and From a Bed With Ease! Body UP® allows the caregiver to easily and safely transfer a patient to and from the bed with minimal effort while providing maximum dignity for the patient.
  5. Aesthetically Pleasing. The patient-friendly design and Body UP’s® frame color and shape make it’s presence very discreet when not in use.
  6. Removes Barriers. The opportunities for travel and mobility are increased with Body UP®. Access to the shower or commode can be easier than ever. Transfer to an automobile is easier with the Body UP® than many other devices available on the market. Mobility and access to most daily functions are increased with ease.
Safety Information
Hand Made Sturdy Design. Body UP® is a composite and hand made product. The structural parts are crafted out of stainless steel; Thus, ensuring longevity and years of safe, Dignified patient transfer.

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